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Documentary Credit

Documentary Credits

Documentary Credit (DC)

A Documentary Credit (DC) is a guarantee of payment from your bank to your suppliers’ bank. A DC has specific terms and conditions that not only provide payment assurance to your suppliers, but also protect your interests and benefits.

Following are some benefits of a DC:

  • Control over payments until terms and conditions are met
  • Risk mitigation through involvement of banks- buyers do not necessarily need to meet suppliers
  • Negotiation power increased as payment can be guaranteed- choice of banks is important.

A Documentary Credit can take several operational forms (such as sight DC or Usance DC) based on the nature and requirements of your business. Please contact our corporate banking or trade and supply chain team for further information.

It is important for you to choose the right bank for all your international trade requirements. HSBC being the largest trade bank of the world, our DC carries the signature of experience and global network.

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