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Corporate Sustainability

Corporate Sustainability


We aim to run a sustainable business for the long term. This is about achieving sustainable profits for our shareholders, building long-lasting relationships with customers, valuing our highly committed employees, respecting environmental limits and investing in communities.

The current financial crisis has highlighted how important it is to look ahead to the challenges of the future. We believe that by doing this, we can provide shared value for our shareholders and the wider economy, the environment and society.

As a bank, we manage risk and identify business opportunities every day. We seek to embed social and environmental issues into what we do. Climate change and globalisation are critical trends shaping the way we do business in the future. These trends will affect the world's poorest people most significantly. We aim to mitigate the risks and maximise the opportunities associated with these shifts.

To know more about HSBC global sustainability, please click here.

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Joy of Giving